A - Dominant allele
a - Recessive allele
Mother's genotype
Father's genotype
Chance for AA  %
Chance for Aa  %
Chance for aa  %

Punnett Square

♂️\♀️ AA

Phenotype and Genotype

Aa Aa A
aa aa a

Punnett Square Calculator

Last updated: 05-06-2024

How to do a Punnett square? - examples

Creating a Punnett square for a single trait gene is straightforward but guided by specific principles:

  1. Traits must inherit independently.
  2. External factors can't influence gene inheritance.
  3. Traits should be solely defined by alleles used in the Punnett square.

✅ Blood type inheritance serves as a suitable example for Punnett square analysis.

❌ Predicting complex traits like height with Punnett squares is impractical due to multifaceted influencing factors.

Genes harbor alleles, represented by capital letters for dominant (A) and lowercase for recessive (a) traits. Dominant alleles always express, while recessive traits emerge only in the absence of dominant alleles.

Punnett square calculator in practice

Let's delve into the practical application of our Punnett square calculator using a real-life scenario:

Scenario: Determining the Likelihood of Inheriting Cystic Fibrosis

Understanding the Inheritance Pattern:

Cystic fibrosis follows autosomal recessive inheritance, meaning the genes are on regular chromosomes, not sex chromosomes.

Analyzing Parental Genetics:

Both parents are healthy but may be carriers, as cystic fibrosis is autosomal recessive.

Completing the Punnett Square:

Parent 1Parent 2Offspring
AaAaAA (25%)
AaAaAa (50%)
AaAaaa (25%

Situation 1: Both parents are carriers. Results show a 25% chance of the child having cystic fibrosis and a 75% chance of being healthy. Among healthy children, 2/3 are carriers.

Situation 2: Only one parent is a carrier. All babies are born healthy, but 50% carry the recessive allele.

Feel free to experiment with our Punnett square calculator for various scenarios!🩸

Genotypic ratio and phenotypic ratio

Understanding the interplay between genotype and phenotype is crucial in genetics. While genotype delves into the genetic makeup, phenotype manifests in the observable traits.

Why does it matter?

Consider a scenario where two parents with heterozygous alleles (Aa) for a trait crossbreed. Using a Punnett square, we derive the following genotypic and phenotypic ratios:




Genotypic ratio:

AA : Aa : aa = 1 : 2 : 1

Phenotypic ratio:

A : a = 3 : 1

Despite the 1:2:1 genotypic ratio, the phenotypic ratio shifts to 3:1, reflecting the dominance of allele A. This exemplifies how genetic combinations yield varying observable traits, shedding light on inheritance patterns and genetic diversity. 💉

Autosomal alleles - homozygous or heterozygous?

Understanding autosomal alleles is pivotal in genetic analysis. Here's a breakdown:

▪️ Homozygous dominant (AA) describes when both alleles for a trait are dominant.

▪️ Homozygous recessive (aa) signifies both alleles for a trait are recessive.

▪️ Heterozygous (Aa) denotes having one dominant and one recessive allele for a trait.

Mendelian inheritance 

Mendelian inheritance, coined after Gregor Mendel's groundbreaking work, delves into the patterns of inheritance for traits. Mendel, the father of modern genetics, discovered fundamental principles governing heredity through his experiments with pea plants.

Key tenets include:

  1. Law of Segregation: Each individual possesses two alleles for a trait, and these alleles segregate during gamete formation.
  2. Law of Independent Assortment: Genes for different traits segregate independently during the formation of gametes.
  3. Dominance: One allele may be dominant over another, dictating the phenotype expressed.
  4. Recessiveness: Recessive alleles are masked by dominant alleles but can still be passed on to offspring.

Understanding Mendelian inheritance unveils the intricate mechanisms behind the transmission of genetic traits from one generation to the next. 🧬

Types of Punnett squares

Types of Punnett squares offer diverse insights into genetic inheritance, each serving distinct purposes:

  1. Monohybrid Punnett Square 😊: Focuses on the inheritance of a single trait governed by two alleles, demonstrating the probabilities of different genotypes and phenotypes in offspring.
  2. Dihybrid Punnett Square 🧬: Explores the inheritance of two different traits simultaneously, showcasing the segregation of alleles for each trait and their combinations in offspring.
  3. Test Cross Punnett Square 🧬: Utilized to determine the genotype of an individual with a dominant phenotype by crossing it with a homozygous recessive individual, revealing the unknown genotype through the phenotypic ratios of the offspring.
  4. Incomplete Dominance Punnett Square 🔄: Highlights the blending of traits in heterozygous individuals, where neither allele is fully dominant, resulting in an intermediate phenotype.
  5. Codominance Punnett Square ↔️: Demonstrates the simultaneous expression of both alleles in heterozygous individuals, without blending, leading to the manifestation of both traits equally.

By employing various types of Punnett squares, geneticists unravel the complexities of inheritance patterns, aiding in the understanding of genetic diversity and evolution.


How to use a punnett square?

Using a Punnett square involves several steps:

  1. Identify the alleles: Determine the alleles for the traits being studied in the parents.
  2. Set up the Punnett square: Create a grid with the possible gametes from each parent along the top and side of the square.
  3. Fill in the squares: Combine the alleles from each parent to fill in the squares, representing the possible genotypes of their offspring.
  4. Analyze the results: Calculate the ratio of genotypes and phenotypes in the offspring to predict their characteristics.
  5. Interpret the data: Use the Punnett square results to understand the probabilities of different genetic outcomes in offspring.

How to find genotype and phenotype from a Punnett square?

Analyzing the Punnett square outcome is key. Spot the various allele combinations - AA, Aa, or aa. Count these to determine the genotypic ratio. Translate these genotypes into observable traits (phenotypes). For instance, with A as dominant and a as recessive:

  • AA genotype yields phenotype A;
  • Aa genotype results in phenotype A; while
  • aa genotype expresses phenotype a.

What is the purpose of a Punnett square?

The primary purpose of a Punnett square is to predict the possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring resulting from a genetic cross between two individuals. It provides a visual representation of the combinations of alleles that can occur and helps determine the likelihood of certain traits being expressed in the offspring.

How to tell if a genotype is heterozygous or homozygous?

Distinguishing between heterozygous and homozygous genotypes is straightforward. In a heterozygous genotype, two different alleles are present for a specific gene (e.g., Aa). Conversely, in a homozygous genotype, the alleles are identical (e.g., AA or aa).

Enjoy your use. 😊